- 老犬{ろうけん}に新しい芸を仕込む[技を教える]、老人{ろうじん}に新しいことを教える
You can't teach an old dog new tricks. 《諺》鉄は熱いうちに打て。
It is hard to teach an old dog new tricks.
teach an old dog new tricks 意味
- you think , can't teach an old dog new tricks applies to me ?
物事の変化に対して否定的になるのは やはり 年のせいかね
- "teach aerobics" 意味
- "teach all required knowledge and skills" 意味
- "teach an adult evening class" 意味
- "teach an exercise" 意味
- "teach an irreplaceable lesson of humanity" 意味
- "teach as a substitute instructor" 意味
- "teach at a junior high school" 意味
- "teach at a leading independent school" 意味
- "teach at a middle school" 意味
- "teach an exercise" 意味
- "teach an irreplaceable lesson of humanity" 意味
- "teach as a substitute instructor" 意味
- "teach at a junior high school" 意味